750ml Birch Bark Infused Maple Syrup
Sturdy black birches grow alongside the sugar maples throughout our woods. By simmering our maple syrup with foraged birch bark, we give you a true taste of the forest on our hill farm. The Whole Woods Birch Bark Infused Maple Syrup is the perfect balance of comfort and warmth. Infused syrups will elevate any foodies' game beyond cocktails from breakfasts to desserts.
Tasting notes: Root Beer Float, Stone Fruit, Wintergreen, Black Cherry
Try a Birch infused syrup on chicken or our electrician Larry's favorite pairing is on a baked potato. It makes a great substitute in all your maple favorites from adding it to tea or to a fancy cocktail! Take a peek at our recipe page for more inspirations. Our favorite is drink to make with it is a Maple Tea Drop.
We make top shelf syrup here on the farm - the bottle should do it justice. This 750ml nordic liquor style bottle really makes a statement. The best thing about choosing this glass option is you can really see the syrup shine through. We even hand dip each bottle in black bottle sealing wax. Cut it open and you'll find a convenient screw cap underneath. These Infused Spruce syrup makes an truly unique gifts. Be sure to check out the variety pack and try them all!